Tuesday, June 15, 2010

To The Future!

so i went to bed last night thinking about the same thing i was thinking about when i got up; what am i gonna do for the future. i know, cheesy right? well i was, so there. i had some ideas for improvements i could do that would help me possibly start a business later if i can get it patented. i don't really want to share them at the moment and im checking to make sure they don't already exist, gosh i hope not but we'll see... nope from what i can find they don't. well i can do that or i really like to dance so i could do that part time, like a teacher. or i could do that during high school and college. or i think being an RN would be fun. in all the best sounding, most promising, most risky looking option would be the business owner. so i was thinking that i would ask my counselor next year if there was a way to do double classes or something that would bump me up to 11th grade next year then I've been told that i can take college courses during 11th and 12th so i plan on getting to graduate college when im about 16- 17 leaning on 16 tho cuz i plan on doing summer classess too. at Fort Herriman freshmen can do extra classes online and in high school i can take afternoon college courses too plus summer classes.

check points -------year-------age------ocupation
9th+1oth grades-----------2010-11-------age 14------student Dance teacher
11th+college classes----2011-12-------age 15------student Dance teacher
12th+ college classes----2012-13------age 16------student Dance teacher
(optional)extra college---2013-14-------age 17------??nurseing??
patent ideas----------------2013-14-------age 17------??nurseing??
start business--------------2014-15-------age 18------rich dude

so what do ya think? pretty good right?

(c) <- means no stealing lol ;) jk i trust you

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