Friday, June 11, 2010


Well, my 8th school year is over. This last year was a little different though, instead of going to public school last year i decided on going to a virtual school at home called K12. my main concern (well i guess there were several) was that i wasn't so sure that i would make freinds. needless to say, judging from my last post, i did lose alot of great friends but i also met lots too. my first friend was Amanda. we met on one of the chat boxes for math. there we set up a Gmail account for us and started chatting and emailing each other. our numbers grew from two to like 12 in the first semester. it was a great year thanks to my new Friends and Teachers. Thank you Mrs. Wilkinson, and Mrs. Adams for the great teaching and fun projects. Thank you Tancie for teaching me to do the RPG's and being a friend, Thanks Amanda for bringing me into the loop in the first place, Cheyenne and Shianne; you both never fail to make a person happy i love reading your conversations ;), thank you Marissa for the fun year and good times, thank you to all the others and hope we keep in touch, stay on Gmail, have a good summer, LOVE YOU ALL! chow

- -Natalie--


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ok, I'm glad you shared that information! This was a good experience for you. Sure love ya :)

  3. (sniff) (wipes tear from face) That was wonderful :'). . . . Thanks to you too for being so freaken awesome!

  4. :D im glad I was your first friend!!! :D you were one of my first k12 buddies too :) and I agree with cheyenne!! :D
