Saturday, June 19, 2010

New Skittles

ok, so skittles are amazing as is right? i mean, They are little M&M's BUT NOT! they are so much better, no? so guess what. they made a new kind! they are called Fizz or something like that... ya, you can guess what they do. isn't funny how nowadayz we ask what candy DOES? i mean, it tastes cool what more do you need? But ya, these are awesome! i just tryed some for the fist time but they were my "candy-happy" cousins so she didn't share much, so im getting my own now for Oakcrest Monday, so there. jk lol. i want some! im waiting for my dad to get home from Wally World so theres a wait. Darn... oh ya! Grandma Linda just got here today! YAY! finally... goodness.... (can you tell that i Discovered the BOLD botton? lol)

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