Friday, June 11, 2010


im not really in an explaining mood but this needs to be like a journal so here goes:
Mom and Dad just took my Golden retrever, Shelby, to the vet... not like the scary appointment and back in an hour thing... shes gone. She was 13 (91) years old. thats a long life and i'm sure it was a happy one. a month or so ago she started limping really badly on her frount left leg so we watched it for a wile and it just got worse... a week-and-a-half ago we took her in to see if she had hurt it. she was diagnosed with bone cancer. afterwards when they came home it just got worse and worse. she hasn't eaten in three days and cant go to the bathroom any more. yesterday morning she couldnt get up at all. she was still the happy tail wagging dog i remember as a kid we got her shortly after i was born, so far as i know she was our only dog. i dont want another one for reasons i cant really say because i dont really know. love you shelby


  1. That's a very sweet comment! She love all of you too! She will be missed!!!

  2. You don't want another dog? :(. . . .Thats sad. Sorry about shelby

  3. ya well i dont wan't to get another one, have it be crazy, and forget that dogs can be nice too. its kinda hard to explain
