Monday, June 28, 2010

I'm Back!

I'm back guys! lots to tell. i just got back from Oakcrest girls camp, boy is there allot to say and tell first of all; see that song down there? beneath this post? ya? its called don't forget by demi lavoto. ITS AWESOME! i love it lots. that's off the subject tho. Otay, well i met some amazing people. my counselors name was Cheerio well her NAME was Karli but her name was Cheerio lol she was funny she had i stuffed animal hippo called Ferdinand, Riley is a girl from K12!!! IKR? how cool is that?!?! Anne is her friend shes way fun and apparently likes cereal lol, Marlene was way funny and nice we gave her the 'big sister' award at the end of the week :). Ali, is super funny she was always on the bright side i lov 'er muchly, Maddie went with me she was like the smart one of the group lucky right :) she is fun 'Hence' why i went with her :) lol, Chelsey was really nice and super fun. Frita, was one of the first ppl i got to know in the cabin shes supper cool it was great to get to know her. Midory shes like.... a word to describe her would be.... spaz? no funny? well awesome works the best :) they were all amazing! i wish i could go back next year, more later :)

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