Monday, June 28, 2010

Back Later

I gtg to my grandmas bday party soon its a party for 12 and older ha ha no little kids :) back soon idk how long it will be

I'm Back!

I'm back guys! lots to tell. i just got back from Oakcrest girls camp, boy is there allot to say and tell first of all; see that song down there? beneath this post? ya? its called don't forget by demi lavoto. ITS AWESOME! i love it lots. that's off the subject tho. Otay, well i met some amazing people. my counselors name was Cheerio well her NAME was Karli but her name was Cheerio lol she was funny she had i stuffed animal hippo called Ferdinand, Riley is a girl from K12!!! IKR? how cool is that?!?! Anne is her friend shes way fun and apparently likes cereal lol, Marlene was way funny and nice we gave her the 'big sister' award at the end of the week :). Ali, is super funny she was always on the bright side i lov 'er muchly, Maddie went with me she was like the smart one of the group lucky right :) she is fun 'Hence' why i went with her :) lol, Chelsey was really nice and super fun. Frita, was one of the first ppl i got to know in the cabin shes supper cool it was great to get to know her. Midory shes like.... a word to describe her would be.... spaz? no funny? well awesome works the best :) they were all amazing! i wish i could go back next year, more later :)

Don't Forget

Saturday, June 19, 2010

New Skittles

ok, so skittles are amazing as is right? i mean, They are little M&M's BUT NOT! they are so much better, no? so guess what. they made a new kind! they are called Fizz or something like that... ya, you can guess what they do. isn't funny how nowadayz we ask what candy DOES? i mean, it tastes cool what more do you need? But ya, these are awesome! i just tryed some for the fist time but they were my "candy-happy" cousins so she didn't share much, so im getting my own now for Oakcrest Monday, so there. jk lol. i want some! im waiting for my dad to get home from Wally World so theres a wait. Darn... oh ya! Grandma Linda just got here today! YAY! finally... goodness.... (can you tell that i Discovered the BOLD botton? lol)


Oakcrest monday! im not even packed... hm, maybe i should go do that... nah, i'll do it later... i've been told that saying " i'll do it later" is like saying a bad word lol... gosh i hope not. Well fine i'll go do that now

Thursday, June 17, 2010


i cant wait! my Grrandma is cummin to Utah saturday!!!! yay!!! i cant wait! cant cant cant!! :) :) :D :D


wow Dance takes it out of you fast X.X

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

To Tancie!

thank you Tancie, you are my only Follower! and heres your prize!..... its a ........PINA COLADA!!!

Like the Sun - Ryan Dan

Oh My gosh i LOVE Ryan Dan! such VOICES!


I've had my braces on for a year today. you can imagin my surprise 3 days before on my birthday "happy birthday! lets get you some TRAIN TRACKS!" yup, happy days...

To The Future!

so i went to bed last night thinking about the same thing i was thinking about when i got up; what am i gonna do for the future. i know, cheesy right? well i was, so there. i had some ideas for improvements i could do that would help me possibly start a business later if i can get it patented. i don't really want to share them at the moment and im checking to make sure they don't already exist, gosh i hope not but we'll see... nope from what i can find they don't. well i can do that or i really like to dance so i could do that part time, like a teacher. or i could do that during high school and college. or i think being an RN would be fun. in all the best sounding, most promising, most risky looking option would be the business owner. so i was thinking that i would ask my counselor next year if there was a way to do double classes or something that would bump me up to 11th grade next year then I've been told that i can take college courses during 11th and 12th so i plan on getting to graduate college when im about 16- 17 leaning on 16 tho cuz i plan on doing summer classess too. at Fort Herriman freshmen can do extra classes online and in high school i can take afternoon college courses too plus summer classes.

check points -------year-------age------ocupation
9th+1oth grades-----------2010-11-------age 14------student Dance teacher
11th+college classes----2011-12-------age 15------student Dance teacher
12th+ college classes----2012-13------age 16------student Dance teacher
(optional)extra college---2013-14-------age 17------??nurseing??
patent ideas----------------2013-14-------age 17------??nurseing??
start business--------------2014-15-------age 18------rich dude

so what do ya think? pretty good right?

(c) <- means no stealing lol ;) jk i trust you

post note (ha ha)


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Movies! (Iron Man 2 and Prince of Persia)

just went and saw Prince of Persia *** and Iron Man 2**** . They were both pretty good. Prince of persia was awesome, it has a great story line for a movie that is based off of a video game (i here they are making a World Of War craft movie too... shesh) its a cute love story/adventure and i would go see it again any time. Iron Man was great too, in an action point of view kind of way, or as my mom likes to call it, it was much more 'POW-POW' than the last one ;). it was good tho with lots of twists and turns. even for a girl that doesn't like Marvel stuff much (i guss a good part of the reason i liked it so much was because there is an AwEsOmE girl in it.... and her name is Natalie :DD haha) keep in mind people this is personal, im not professional (ha ha). I would love to hear your opinion tho too :). c u l8r --Natalie--

Tears Of An Angel

I love this song it gives me crazy shivers but its even better to listen to it loud so turn up the volume! my friend dances to this song and i love it!

River Rose Ward

This is kind of funny. me and my ward did this thing where each ward got a topic and had to do a skit :). it was fun but i got a dull part lol. Sherlock's in it to she's the last one.


im going to Oakcrest Girls camp next week from Monday to Friday and guess what? my Grandma is coming down from Montana this Saturday! so im not going to see her! sadness! i wish Oakcrest was on a different week :(

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010


im not really in an explaining mood but this needs to be like a journal so here goes:
Mom and Dad just took my Golden retrever, Shelby, to the vet... not like the scary appointment and back in an hour thing... shes gone. She was 13 (91) years old. thats a long life and i'm sure it was a happy one. a month or so ago she started limping really badly on her frount left leg so we watched it for a wile and it just got worse... a week-and-a-half ago we took her in to see if she had hurt it. she was diagnosed with bone cancer. afterwards when they came home it just got worse and worse. she hasn't eaten in three days and cant go to the bathroom any more. yesterday morning she couldnt get up at all. she was still the happy tail wagging dog i remember as a kid we got her shortly after i was born, so far as i know she was our only dog. i dont want another one for reasons i cant really say because i dont really know. love you shelby


Well, my 8th school year is over. This last year was a little different though, instead of going to public school last year i decided on going to a virtual school at home called K12. my main concern (well i guess there were several) was that i wasn't so sure that i would make freinds. needless to say, judging from my last post, i did lose alot of great friends but i also met lots too. my first friend was Amanda. we met on one of the chat boxes for math. there we set up a Gmail account for us and started chatting and emailing each other. our numbers grew from two to like 12 in the first semester. it was a great year thanks to my new Friends and Teachers. Thank you Mrs. Wilkinson, and Mrs. Adams for the great teaching and fun projects. Thank you Tancie for teaching me to do the RPG's and being a friend, Thanks Amanda for bringing me into the loop in the first place, Cheyenne and Shianne; you both never fail to make a person happy i love reading your conversations ;), thank you Marissa for the fun year and good times, thank you to all the others and hope we keep in touch, stay on Gmail, have a good summer, LOVE YOU ALL! chow

- -Natalie--

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Another Birthday

Wow, I'm almost 14. On the 12Th i am going to be a Mia Maid. Too bad, I liked being a Beehive (I don't really like the other Mia Maids much ether :-/) I'm sure I'll love it though, I will FINALLY get to go to the stake dances!... not that i have anyone to go with, but still, plus that's where you are supposed to meet good guys ;) lol jk jk. or i can always go and hang out with Lindsey shes awesome too :) Kidding love you Sherlock! all the guys are weird but i guess that's what you can expect from 13-14 year olds.
my little dilemma was that on Saturday the 12Th 0f June, my aunt Bonnie is getting married. YAY! so we moved my party back to this Friday instead. the plan is that me, Maddie Kenyon, Lindsey Holmes (you see why i call her Sherlock), Cj Stanley, Ayesha Galvan, and Bonnie's son (my cousin) Bradley that all?....i think so, anyway, we are all going to go to see "Prince of Persia" at 5:00pm then go back to my house for the party and then the girls are invited to sleep over. its going to be fun but i sure hope they all can come. i don't have many friends that i can invite to a party :-/
for a wile i didn't know what i wanted, you know, just that age i guess. but in the end i decided on new clogging shoes. and not just shoes, but the nice nice ones. they are called split soles. sound like so much fun :) (sigh) well we'll see i guess
so far Ayesha, Cj and Maddie can go, Lindsey wont answer the phone and i was talking to brad about it earlier so i hope they all come :)


The Beginning

Alright, well, I'm fairly sure that this wont be seen by many, but almost every one hopes that someday they can have a story to tell that people will remember. and we all know that Blogging is way more fun than writing in a journal so we'll see how it goes. Stay out there,
