Thursday, September 23, 2010

For Mrs. Patterson

hey guys, this is an assignment project for math. My teacher and class friend/partner Miguel Rosas will be on to grade it i think, so welcome to them and here goes:

Algebra Project

Hypatia of Alexandria
a Mathematician, Astronomer, and Philosopher
"Reserve your right to think" she said "for even to think wrongly is better than not to think at all"

Born around 370 AD in Roman Egypt to a teacher and the last known head of the museum Alexandria, named Theon. He tought her every thing he knew. they worked together at the museum, correcting, going over, or just figuring each others latest work.

In her short life time she successfully invented a method of measuring the exact gravity of liquids and the level of water called the hydroscope. This is known as her best work. Among her other projects are also several astronomy charts, these helped greatly with the understanding of the night sky at the time. she also wrote commentaries on Apollonius's Conics and Diophantus’s Arithmetica and a book called The Astronomical Canon.

like her father she became a teacher from home and taught all throughout Alexandria. it is said that some of the students fell for her and started only coming to see her as she was well known for her mind power she was almost as well known for her beauty, voice, and 'flowing' way about her. According to an Ethiopic manuscript Hypatia was actually a witch, She might have used her knowledge, looks, and ‘magic’ to ‘hypnotize’ others and spread her own ideas (especially on her 'friends in high places').

She lived in Alexandria up to the end of her short life. in about 415 AD the great defender of science against religion was murdered by
a Christian mob, led by the bishop of Alexandria, who was later known as St. Cyril.

As horrible as this is a place to end it has to be because you cant wright about a persons life wile they were dead. so i hope you enjoyed my essay (which, lets be honest unless you are ether Mrs. Patterson or Miguel you probably stoped reading this the second it said 'Math' and went on to the next post but if so then you wouldn't be reading this so i guess you did so thank you reader) see you all soon

- Natalie Nuttall


  1. Nati Bug, This is very interesting! I thought your interesting points on her life were very good. That must of been quite a life back in those days, especially for a woman. Keep up the good work! Love ya, Grand :)

  2. thanks i really liked doing this project it was cool :)
