Sunday, June 13, 2010

Movies! (Iron Man 2 and Prince of Persia)

just went and saw Prince of Persia *** and Iron Man 2**** . They were both pretty good. Prince of persia was awesome, it has a great story line for a movie that is based off of a video game (i here they are making a World Of War craft movie too... shesh) its a cute love story/adventure and i would go see it again any time. Iron Man was great too, in an action point of view kind of way, or as my mom likes to call it, it was much more 'POW-POW' than the last one ;). it was good tho with lots of twists and turns. even for a girl that doesn't like Marvel stuff much (i guss a good part of the reason i liked it so much was because there is an AwEsOmE girl in it.... and her name is Natalie :DD haha) keep in mind people this is personal, im not professional (ha ha). I would love to hear your opinion tho too :). c u l8r --Natalie--


  1. Haha! That made me laugh your mom.....that was more POW POW then the last one.....hahaha
